Welcome to my fan art page!
This section has my original story artwork (forgive me, I'm not a great artist)
ATTENTION: I want your fan art! I would love to host a gallery of fan art sent
in by visitors to the site, so PLEASE send me your fan art! I prefer TR and
rocketshippy, but anything Pokemon is fine except for Hentai.
500 HITS! My commemorative pic
from when the base reached 500 hits on September 23, 2000!
The first drawing of Red Rocket
Annie Masterson, my favorite of my original characters. Annie is featured in
"Criminal" & "Revenge"
Chief Trainer Seth of
White Rocket Virgil From my
Miyamoto story "The Baby" Virgil was kinda of Miyamoto's version of
Mondo :)
Bridget Sutton of "The
Baby" Bridget was Miyamoto's best friend in TR.
My original banner for the site
before the current banner featuring Annie holding her gun.
My attempt to create a chibi-style
Annie for an adoption pic. Ugh.
This is what happened when
I had a trainer card, a scanner, and way too much time on my hands (hee, hee)
This is an illustration of the
ending of Chapter Six of "The Baby" when Bridget falls asleep by
Musashi's bassinet after reading the letter from Miyamoto. This is the first
time I tried coloring a pic with marker and not colored pencil.
What happened to Annie? This
is a pic of what became of Annie after "Revenge"... Look closely at
her uniform dress and you'll see the reminder of her defeat...
Here's a blast from the
past... It's Pokemon trainers Jenni and Allan from "Loyalties"!
(Actually cartoon versions of my wife and I) Enjoy!
Here's one I did just for
fun... A plushie version of Annie! BTW, please be kind... it's my first time
drawing one completely on the computer ::Sheepish grin::
Ah, my beloved partner in
crime... Hee hee, I just HAD to try to do this pic!
YAY! It's a decent Red
Rocket Plushie! New, still in the box, coming soon to a store near you... :-)
This is Celadon City Police
Commissioner Guenevere of My new Neoshippy story "The Message"!
A new pic from "The
Message" of Butch waiting for Jenny with the J-R rifle, totally unaware of
the consequences he's about to face...
ARCHIVE PIC! The banner that
became a classic... Annie holding her trusty .45...
A pic from "The
Message" of Butch in the electric chair... and what should be his last
thought but his dear Cassidy?
A pic inspired by Kasumi
of the Rocketshippy Author's guild after we discussed how her character Morro
and Billy from "Criminal" would be perfect to go clubbing together! We
took the Saturday Night Live sketch/movie "A Night at the Roxbury" and
re-did it as... A Night at the Rocketsbury! Enjoy!
A pic of the "Big
Four" of my Original Rockets... Annie Masterson, Bridget Sutton, Billy
Weston, and Raven Koldron!
A sketch of Annie I
did for a sick friend in the hospital! I eventually colored this in for her, but
I liked the black and white one so much I had to scan it and put it up!
A Rocketshipy pic
of Jessie and James... with Annie expressing her opinion of the pairing... (In
case you can't tell, thats a grenade she's holding) I created this piece to make
an award for my good online friend Meredith, and just had to put the original
art up! (P.S.: Puh-lease don't flame me for this one. I really am a shipper,
even if Annie isn't! LOL)
From the Rocketshippy
Author's Guild RPG! It's Billy's (of "Criminal") pride and joy- his
car! A 1977 Losermobile that's not far from my own car in real life (So much so
that I've named my car Billy LOL!)
This one is from my newest fanfic, which will deal with Annie escaping the
asylum she was banished to at the end of "Revenge"! Allow me to
introduce... Red Rocket Severin Salyavin!
Ooooohhhh! My
promo poster for My new fic "The Vendetta", which herald the return of
A new pic from the
Vendetta... this one is Annie in Severin's bed, asleep in the afterglow of their
night of passion...
Awww... It's a Rocket
Christmas, featuring Meowth!
Billy gets a ride he
won't soon forget from Kat of The Rocketshippy Author's Guild at our Holiday
RPG! Good times...
A new Annie pic done
for my wife Jenni's new Poetry site... Annie reading Poetry? Interesting...
Me fooling around with oil
pastel crayons. Interestingly bizarre.^-^
This is a pic I did a
while back (Must've been summer of 2001) and I just realized... I never posted
it here! It's Annie on a motrcycle looking naturally evil ^-^
This may be one of
the oddest pics I've ever done... It's Annie meeting her namesake, Annie Oakley!
Two crack shots, both highly skilled with guns, seperated by over a century...
Oooo-Kay... this
is the above pic, Annie with Annie Oakley) with me playing with my scanner's
resoultion adjuster. Just made it kinda bizarre, I like it! LOL!
Here's one I
decided to do for three seperate reasons: One: I wanted to draw Severin again,
Two: I was in the mood to do it, and Three: The world really needed another
"Clockwork Orange" parody (Okay, so maybe thats not a great reason)
^-^ Hee hee... Be kind.
A Promo Poster
for my upcoming fic "Innocent Cry". I really like this one, as it
features Annie at three different points in her life...
The Newest Red
Rocket, an agent named Laura Cummings featured in the upcoming "Innocent
Here's another new one
from my upcoming "Innocent Cry"... It's... DOMINO as a Red Rocket! And
what's with the baby nestled in her arms? You'll have to wait to find out with
the new fic...
YAY! 2000 hits! Click here for
the commmemorative pic!
A VERY odd pic of Annie
drawn in something of a hurry. I love her expression, but those eyebrows... oh,
my... Hmm... Why did I even post this pic?
What would happen if
Andy Warhol were to paint Annie? Find out in this Warhol-style collage inspired
by his paintings of Marilyn Monroe!
All right... My
other Anime obsession (Cowboy Bebop) is showing up. Here's a pic inspired by
Musachan... Annie in costume as Faye Valentine!
Hey, anyone remember
the old banner of Annie sitting with one leg up, a .45 resting on her knee? I
never was completely happy with that image, so here (finally) is the re-do of
that pic...
Annie's fellow
Red Rockets express their feelings about having only one or two appearnces to
Annie's several in this behind the scenes cartoon... ^-^
Here's a new one
by me from Angela's new fic, "Dare to Hope, Part One"... It's Michael
and Kat Morgan in The Resort, with Kat looking on helplessly as her brother is
tortured to his limits...
My pic from my plea to
Meredith of Blast Off! for an update LOL!
FINALLY... I did a
new pic of Seth! Sheesh, I only sketched this about six months ago, hee hee...
A rather odd self portrait,
showing my love for long black coats... whatever LOL
pic of Cherish about 18 years on, with her parents spirits watching over her...
She must've gotten her weapon preference from Severin ^-^
new pic of Raven Koldron, Annie's aunt from "The Baby"
MY WIFE JENNI'S FANART Visit Jenni's Site!
Jenni's first drawing of
Annie! ^-^
A Kawaii pic of James
sleeping and having the sweetest dream he can imagine... (Inspired by the manga
pic from the graphic novel "Pikachu Shocks Back")
Jenni's new and improved
drawing of Annie! (My personal favorite of her pics)
Jenni proves that every
Red has their day in the sun with her latest piece of fanart! Thanks Hun, I love
YAY! A GOOD chibi pic of
Annie! Thanks to Meredith of Blast Off!
for this pic!
It's Valentine's Day for
our favorite Rockets! Thanks to Meredith of Blast
Off! for another great pic!
Meredith's pic for my
2000th hit! A GREAT group pic of Bridget, Annie, and Raven! Thanks to
Meredith of Blast Off! for yet another
great pic!
A GREAT new pic of Raven Kaldron
of "The Baby"! The amazing thing about this pic is that I never
described Raven in the story, so what you see is completely Meredith's vision of
her! Thanks to Meredith of Blast Off!
for another wonderful pic!
An beautifully drawn pic
from Meredith of the ending of "The Message"! Butch looks soo at peace
here... Thanks again to Meredith of Blast
Off! for another wonderful pic!
An beautifully drawn pic of
Annie by a spotlight over a certain reminder... I just LOVE this pic! Thanks
again to Meredith of Blast Off! for
another wonderful pic!
YAY! Meredith colored
her Annie pic! (See the last link) I ADORE this pic! Thanks again to
Meredith of Blast Off! for another
wonderful pic!
A fantastic new pic
of my evil Rocket Joy from the lost scene of "Criminal"! No wonder
Billy doen't mind being in the infrimary... Thanks to Meredith of Blast
Off! for this great pic!
A late Christmas
gift from Meredith, this is a very cool pic of Annie lying down and looking
thoughtful. I just love this pic! Digital Getdown!!! Thanks to Meredith of Blast
Off! for this great pic!
OOOOH! Another
commemorative pic for my 2000th hit! Thanks to Meredith of Blast
Off! for this great pic!
A Kawaii Pose of
Jessie and James! Thanks to Togepi of PokemonDigimonUnited
for this great pic!
Jessie and James get a
day off at the beach with Meowth and Snubull! Thanks to Togepi of PokemonDigimonUnited
for another great pic!
A very cool black and white
sketch of James wearing his way-too-small sunglasses! ^_^ Thanks to Togepi
of PokemonDigimonUnited for
another great pic!
A kawaii group picture of
Ash, Misty, Brock, Jessie, James, and a ton of Pokemon! Great job, Togepi!
Thanks to Togepi of PokemonDigimonUnited
for another great pic!
See the power of a mother's love
in this AWESOME Miyamoto pic! Thanks to Mandy of Team
Rocket's Rockin! for this wonderful pic!
A simply UNBELIEVABLE pic from
the rescue scene in Chapter Six of "Revenge"! Annie looks sooooo
busted here... Thanks to Mandy of Team
Rocket's Rockin! for this AMAZING pic!
Jessie and James in formal
outfits and floating on clouds. Now THAT'S Rocketshippy! Thanks to Mandy of Team
Rocket's Rockin! for another wonderful pic!
The companion picture to
Mandy's Christmas Story in the guest fanfics section! Meowth has a special
present for his two humans... Thanks to Mandy of Team
Rocket's Rockin! for another wonderful pic!
A Kawaii Rocketshippy pic.
Need I say more? Thanks to Mandy of Team
Rocket's Rockin! for another wonderful pic!
An awesome pic of the
Legendary Birds and Lugia! Kinda big, so be patient when it loads... it's worth
the wait! Thanks to Alice for this wonderful pic!
A beautifully colored pic of
Charizard! Kinda big, so be patient when it loads... it's worth the wait!
Thanks to Alice for this fantastic pic!
A very cool black and white
drawing of James in close up. Great eyes in this one! Kinda big, so be patient
when it loads... it's worth the wait! Thanks to Alice for this fantastic pic!
YAY! Alice colored her
great pic of James! Thanks to Alice for coloring this one in!
A Kawaii pic of Mondo and
Ditto! ^-^ Cuteness alert! Thanks to Alice for this great pic!
A Kawaii pic of Alice as a
TR agent! Thanks to Alice for this great pic!
An awesome pic of Kim
and Cacey, Alice's new Red Rockets from an upcoming fic! Thanks to Alice for
this cool pic!
A new updated pic of
Kim, Alice's original Red Rocket!!! Thanks to Alice for another great pic!
A new updated pic of
Alice and a friend as a Rocket and Ash! Very cool, Alice...
A new pic by Alice of a very cute Umbreon! Thanks for remembering us,
An adorable pic of Baby
Michael, Jessie and James' son from Angela's story "He's my Son" Too
cute!!! Thanks to Angela for this great pic!
An awesome pic of
Michael and Constance, Jessie and James' son and his partner from Angela's story
"Generation K", as Red Rockets!!! (Boy, would Annie just scream or
what? LOL) Thanks to Angela for another great pic!
YAY! New art from Angela's
story "Generation K" This one is Li, Team Rocket Assassin (not to
mention Butch and Cassidy's son)! Thanks to Angela for another great pic!
YAY! New art from
Angela's story "Generation K" This one is Virginia, Team Rocket
Assassin (not to mention Butch and Cassidy's Daughter)! Thanks to Angela for
another great pic!
YAY! New art from Angela's
story "Generation K" Here we have the happy couple the previous
generation wouldn't have pictured... Ash and Misty's son Kyle and Jessie and
James' daughter Kat! Thanks to Angela for another great pic!
YAY! Angela and
her friend Lunia went in together to create a VERY cool banner for "The
Vendetta" featuring Annie and Michael! This one is a MUST SEE... Thanks
to Angela and Lunia for this awesome pic!
Ooooh... everytime
i think I'll never hear from Angela (the great writer who gave us Ganeration K,
He's My Son, and Mallet Vs. Whip) again, she pops out of the woodwork to
surprise me! Here's her latest pic, a re-worked one of Kyle and Kat! Thanks
to Angela for yet another fabulous pic!
Here's the promo
banner from Part One of Angela's newest fic, "Dare to Hope"!
Thanks to Angela for this great pic... and the even better fic!
Whee! Angela finally did a
pic of Lunia Oak, Kat and Kyle's friend from "Generation K" and
"Dare to Hope"! Thanks to Angela for this very cool pic!
An AMAZING pic from
part 2 of Angela's "Dare to Hope".... But DO NOT look till you've read
the fic! I mean it! :-) Thanks to Angela for this very cool pic!
Angela finishes
"Dare to Hope" by sending us an amazing pic of Domino at the end of
DTH! There's a errie feeling to this pic, which screams of a lost past...
Thanks to Angela for this very cool pic!
Angela brings us a
beautiful self-portarit to go with her awesome fics! Thanks to Angela for
this great pic!
brings us a beautiful pic of a Christmas angel. Happy Holidays and
thanks, Angela!
take on Annie's daughter Cherish! Thanks yet again for another great
piece, Angela!
OMG! A MORRO PIC for the
Base! Kasumi's ultra-cool character shows us why those glasses are never down
over his eyes! LOL Thanks to Kasumi for this wonderful pic!
An amazing pic of Butch
and Cassidy in my fic "The Message" You can really see Cassidy's pain
as she says goodbye to Butch in the prison visting room... Thanks to Eevee
of Team
Rocket's Dark Planet for this wonderful pic!
A pic of the newest Red
Rocket! Meet Van, Eevee's new Red to featured in an upcoming fic (or addition to
a fic, anyway...) Van is also the first ethnic Red! ^-^ Thanks to Eevee of Team
Rocket's Dark Planet for this wonderful pic!
Naughty Butch sneaking a
peek at the object of his affection... Thanks to Amanda of Frogs
Vs. Roses for this wonderful pic!
It's Payback time for
Cassidy when she catches Butch in his own comprimising situation... The
companion piece to Amanda's Naughty Butch pic! Thanks to Amanda of Frogs
Vs. Roses for this wonderful pic!
Butch and Cassidy in a
Neoshippy pose! Go Neos! Thanks to Amanda of Frogs
Vs. Roses for this wonderful pic!
ACK! The world of
Rocketshippiness meets Neoshippiness to produce Twistedshipping! Jessie's not
gonna like this... Thanks to Amanda of Frogs
Vs. Roses for this wonderful pic!
continues as Jessie gets James back for his little tryst... Thanks to Amanda
of Frogs Vs. Roses for this
wonderful pic!
Awww... Butch has an owie!
NEOSHIPPY!!! Thanks to Amanda of Frogs
Vs. Roses for this wonderful pic!
Jessie and James share
spaghetti! (Very Lady & The Tramp ^-^) Thanks to Amanda of Frogs
Vs. Roses for this wonderful pic!
Butch has egg on his
face once again... Well, Bubble Gum anyway... Kawaii!!! Thanks to Amanda of Frogs
Vs. Roses for this wonderful pic!
James confirms (by
process of elimination) what every Rocketshipper already knows :-) Thanks to
Amanda of Frogs Vs. Roses for
this wonderful pic!
Another embarrassing moment
for Butch from Amanda! LOL!!! Thanks to Amanda of Frogs
Vs. Roses for this kawaii pic!
Hee hee hee! A naughty
moment for Butch and Cassidy yet again! Thanks to Amanda of Frogs
Vs. Roses for this great pic!
Uh, Oh... James' rose
is like Linus' security blanket... and I guess even Jessie's not quite okay to
take that flower! Thanks to Amanda of Frogs
Vs. Roses for another cool pic!
A kawaii Dragonite!
Thanks to Krash of Krash's
'Hood for this cool pic!
YAY! we finally have
art by Musachan of the Rocketshippy Author's Guild! Prepare yourself for...
Annie, Musachan style, looking armed and DANGEROUS!!! Thanks to Musachan of Rocket-Team
dot Com for this cool pic!
Oooh! Musachan brings
us the limited edition, collector's item Christmas Red Rocket Plushie! Annie
never looked so cute! ^-^ Thanks to Musachan of Rocket-Team
dot Com for this cool pic!
YAY! ^-^ Musachan
had a "Draw Annie out of character" day and gave me 3 great pics!
Here's the first, Annie looking sad... Awwww... Thanks to Musachan of Rocket-Team
dot Com for this awesome pic!
YAY! ^-^ Musachan
had a "Draw Annie out of character" day and gave me 3 great pics!
Here's the second! It's confused Annie (I love this one) Thanks to Musachan
of Rocket-Team dot Com for
this kawaii pic!
YAY! ^-^ Musachan
had a "Draw Annie out of character" day and gave me 3 great pics!
Here's the third, Annie laying on a bed looking cute and seductive all at
once... Thanks to Musachan of Rocket-Team
dot Com for this fantastic pic!
YAY! ^-^ Musachan
continued her "Draw Annie out of character" mode and gave me another
pic! This one's a sad, shocked Annie. Awwww... Thanks to Musachan of Rocket-Team
dot Com for this fantastic pic!
Kewlness continues
to flow from Musachan! This time, it's teenybopper Annie in a casual outfit! I
can see this being Annie at about age 16... Not yet a Red, and still a badass
Rocket... Thanks to Musachan of Rocket-Team
dot Com for another kewl pic!
Janet DiMarco, Musachan's
12 year old original Red! Thanks to Musachan of Rocket-Team
dot Com for another kewl pic!
YAY! More art
from Musachan! This time it's the irrepressible Annie and the incorrigable
Billy! Thanks to Musachan of Rocket-Team
dot Com for another kick-butt pic!
Musachan has given me a new promo for my upcoming fic "Innocent Cry"! Thanks
to Musachan of Rocket-Team dot
Com for this awesome promo pic!
hits celebrated by Musachan! Thanks, hun! Visit her here!
11,000 hits celebrated
by Musachan! Thanks, hun! Visit her here!
brings us a new pic of Billy... looking a lil girly?
Thanks, Musachan! Visit her here!
Whee! A new
artist! This is the first of five awesome penciled Pokemon pics sent to be by
our new donor, Aqua! It's a profile sketch of Houndoom! Thanks to Aqua for
this great pic!
Here comes Houndoom
again, this time from the front! Thanks to Aqua for this great pic!
Aqua delivers fire
with this Typhlosion pic! Thanks to Aqua for this great pic!
Here's Aqua's fourth
pokemon pic, the mighty Entei! Thanks to Aqua for this great pic!
My favorite of Aqua's
Pokemon pics, featuring a VERY cute Charmander! Thanks to Aqua for this
great pic!
Aqua show's
that her skill isn't limited to Pokemon with this quick sketch of a Rocket.
Ithink it was a Grunt... Thanks to Aqua for this great pic!
What artist's work would
be complete without a pic of James??? Thanks to Aqua for this great pic!
favorite of Aqua's pics, I've saved the best for last... It's Ash looking up
very determinedly despite the fact that he's rather bloodied... Thanks to
Aqua for this awesome pic!
Aqua brings us
another killer pic, this one of Cassidy! Thanks to Aqua for this great pic!
Aqua's original
Rocket, Fatalony! Thanks to Aqua for this awesome pic!
Aqua brings us
another great Pokemon pic. Here's Cassidy's companion, Raticate! Thanks to
Aqua for this awesome pic!
This pic is titled
"Come Inside" and I love it! No clues to what it is, just click and
see! Thanks to Aqua for this fantastic pic!
brings us a killer dragon pic! Arigotu, Aqua!
Twilight Fairy for the site from Agua! Thanks Aqua!
would the James fairy be without... The Devilish Red Angel Fairy!
Thanks Aqua!
overdue pic of Dragonair from Agua! Many thanks to her!
overdue pic of Dragonite from Agua! Many thanks to her!
overdue pic of Dratini from Agua! Many thanks to her!
overdue pic of Tauros from Agua! Many thanks to her!
but not least of her latest pokemon pics, here's Aqua'a Jolteon!
Many thanks to her!
from Aqua, Here's Charizard! Aqua is wonderful with a pencil,
from Aqua again... here's a Moltres(?) Ermm... I may be wrong there.
Aqua has done pics of my original characters AND given them Pokemon!
Here's the first in the series, Annie with Houndoom!
the second of Aqua's great pics of my characters, Billy with his
ever-present (if not well-trained) Flareon!
the third of Aqua's pics... Red Rocket Laura Cummings with her
Typhlosian! I might add that Apart from Billy, I never specified a
pokemon for any of these characters, so these are all Aqua's
thoughts! Go Aqua!
Whee! Finally, a
decent pic of Seth! Lizz brings us this new gem! Thanks to Lizz for this
great pic!
Lizz drew my Rockets! Heeeeere's Lizz's take on: Annie, Seth, Laura,
and Billy! Thanks, Lizz!
new pic of Annie from Lizz! Thanks so much!
Keep it coming!