Want to be part of my Link Exchange?
Just E-mail me at seleulc2@aol.comand tell me you want to join.
Post a link to my site on your page, and I’ll put up a link to your site!
LINK EXCHANGE RULE: I will not link to any site that has Rocket bashing or hentai!
Rocket Ruckus A very cool site run by Lisa, the artist who drew the VERY cool Annie pic you saw back on the main page! Her fan art section is full of cute pics! (Lisa is the former webmistress of Koffing's Corner)
Mystic Vaporeon's site, home of her wonderful collection of fanfics! A really dazzling site, check it out! (Wish I could build 'em this nicely)
Team Rocket: The Evils of Truth and Love A FANTASTIC Rocketshippy site run by Kasumi of the Rocketshippy Author's Guild! This site has some killer fics, artwork, and the amazing Morro, Kasumi's original counterpart to everybody's favorite Rocket assistant, Mondo! (Hey, Butch and Cassidy have to have some help, right?) Be sure to check out this awesome site... just the picture on the entry page alone is worth it! :-) AWARD WINNING SITE!
Mondo & Morro's Dimension of Duality! YAY! Kasumi Mizuhana's great original character Morro and the ever popular Mondo have their own website at last! This one is still under some construction, but is well worth the stop to admire Kasumi's INCREDIBLE artwork! AWARD WINNING SITE!
Persian2000uk's Pokemon Fanfiction!A relatively new fanfic site I found. Only one half of a fanfic so far, but it's so good it's worth a stop in to read whats there... find out why Ash would join TR!
THE JAMES WORSHIPPER' CORNER: Jemmy's kawaii James shrine! Home of links, fics, a sad sad true story of a Rocket fan, and many great pics of the blue haired angel! (Incidentally, a note about the power of fics... Jemmy says she was a total anti-rocket shipper until she read one of Anna Sartin's fics! And which of Anna-Sempai's fics had that power, you ask? Link on over to Jemmy's site and find out!
AWARD WINNING SITE! Team-Rocket Video.COM: Quite simply, THE most extensive library of TR video and audio clips both original and from the series! (I can't imagine what this guy's bandwith ratings must be like.)
DESTINED FOR GREATNESS: An awesome new TR shrine (seems new ones are getting hard to find) with fanfics, fanart, bios, mottos, killer audio downloads, and a very well-done "Ask TR" section! Be sure to check this one out!
TRSS NETWORK: A new network from Lizz! This is something of a rarity... a Kokoshippy network! It has tons of great stuff, incliding a Butch shrine site and lots of links to other great TR sites, as well as a shrine for another of my anime obsessions,
POKEMON REBIRTH: An awesome site run by Gemma contining the original
adventures of "the flipside of Pokemon"! With episodic
adventures starring characters from the series as well as a number of orginal
characters this has to be one of the most prginal sites i've encountered (not to
ention the fact that I adore the art style)