This Page contains a poem that I wrote to read at my sister's funeral. She died on November 14, 2002. Her name was Allana, and she had Mental Retardation. She was the reason I became a special education teacher in the first place, and I will miss her greatly.
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Who was my sister?
My sister was my greatest teacher.
More than any college professor, she taught me the realities of Mental Retardation.
More than any teacher, she taught me patience and perseverance.
More than any activist, she taught me tolerance and acceptance.
More than any part of nature, she taught me to find and cherish beauty in all of God's creations.
More than any inner child, she taught me the true meaning of innocence & perpetual childhood.
More than any guidance or career counselor, she taught me my place and role in this world.
More than anything else, my sister taught me the true meaning of unconditional love and forgiveness.
My sister was my greatest teacher, and now she is reminding Heaven of all she taught me. Rest easy, My Teacher, and I thank you. Cross provided by Animation