What is a Red Rocket, You ask? Well, simply put, they are Team Rocket's Elite.
As Team Rocket's answer to the Navy SEALS or the Army Rangers, the Red Rockets are saved for the highest level missions, involving anything from grand-scale Pokemon thievery to sabotage missions to murder of serious opposition to Team Rocket.
Details of the Red Rockets are largely classified, but the following information has managed to leak out:
To date, there are four known Red Rockets who are or have been stationed at the Red Rocket Base…
Red Rocket Annie Baines Masterson
Red Rocket Seth Bramwell (Thanks to Lizz for the great new pic!)
Red Rocket Severin Salyavin
and Red Rocket Laura Cummings.

On another note... This may be the only time i do this, but I have promotoed a real TR character to the rank of Red for my upcoming fic "Innocent Cry". Set about 26-27 years in the future, this fic will see Domino as a Red. I mean, Giovanni's favorite, a great ruithless agent... I can see it happening ^-^
GUEST RED ROCKETS (more always welcome!)
ACK! New details have leaked out, revealing the existence of two more Red Rockets... They are none other than Michael (the son of Jessie and James) and his partner Constance!
(Michael and Constance are featured in Angela's fic "Generation K" on the Guest Fanfics page!)
WOW... Shortly after the revelation of Michael Morgan and Constance, two new Reds emerged, known as Kim and Cacey!

Kim and Cacay will be featured in an upcoming fic by Alice!
WOW... Still another Red has emerged! Meet Vanessa (or Van), the first ethnic Red Rocket!

Vanessa will be featured in an upcoming fic by Eevee!
RECENT DEVELOPMENTS HAVE BROUGHT ANOTHER RED TO THE SURFACE.... 12 year old Janet DiMarco, daughter of Giovanni!

Janet DiMarco is the creation of the Almighty Kyuti Musachan. To put it in her own words... "Many things can be said about Janet Di Marco, but not to her face for she will get her daddy, Giovanni, to fire your arse! If she were ever to face off with Annie, Janet would be scraps set out for the Growlithes..."
Janet will be featured in an upcoming fic by Musachan!
The Red Rockets have a training camp known to TR members as Base Camp Delta, which is overseen by Seth Bramwell. The camp's exact location is classified, but it is known that it lies somewhere north of Mount Moon on the Indigo Plateau. The only people to have seen this camp are incoming Red Rockets, their trainers, and Giovanni (although unconfirmed rumors fly of a White Rocket and a Meowth sneaking in, but these rumors have been denied by TR command).
Though the Red Rockets are a secretive bunch, they are well known in TR and by the local law enforcement agencies as well-trained, ruthless agents who always complete their objective (for the most part, anyway).
Further information on the Red Rocket Elite Forces is unavailable at this time.
NOTE: Before anybody drives themselves crazy trying to research the Red Rockets in Pokemon, here's the truth: They don't exist… They were created for my fan fictions. To my knowledge, nobody else has written about them. However, Please feel free if you would like to. My own Reds would love company in their ranks!