Below you’ll find links to the stories I’ve written…

Enjoy and remember… Feedback is always welcome and appreciated!

If you like them (or hate them) please feel free to e-mail me at seleulc2@aol.com

This was my first fanfic! It deals with Misty discovering a secret about her past and betraying Ash in favor of Team Rocket as the result.

Loyalties Chapter One: The Betrayal

Loyalties Chapter Two: The Letter

Loyalties Chapter Three: Misty's New Life

Loyalties Chapter Four: The Battle for Pikachu

Loyalties Chapter Five: The Truth

Loyalties Chapter Six: The Final Word

This was my second fanfic… It’s a rocketshippy (Jessie and James Romace) kind of story where Jessie, James, and Meowth get split up by the boss due to their lack of efficiency and some complaints from inside Team Rocket.

Criminal Chapter One: The Split Up

Criminal Chapter Two: The Wedge

Criminal Chapter Three: Jessie's Room

Criminal Chapter Four: James' Room

Criminal Chapter Five: The New Partners

Criminal Chapter Six: James & the Red Rocket

Criminal Chapter Seven: The Night

Criminal Chapter Eight: Reunited?

Criminal: Epilogue

This was my third fanfic… It’s a very short vignette exploring a sleepless night with Jessie and James.

The Longest Nights

My fourth story is a sequel to "Criminal"! It deals with what happens when James is promoted to the rank of Red Rocket… Watch for the return of Annie! (BTW, just a quick note… I know this fic may give the impression that I hate James but I really don't… Annie does, but I don't.) Enjoy!

Revenge Chapter One: The Promotion

Revenge Chapter Two: Base Camp Delta

Revenge Chapter Three: The Special Trainers

Revenge Chapter Four: Weezing’s Message

Revenge Chapter Five: The Rescue

Revenge Chapter Six: Training Completion

Revenge Chapter Seven: Goodbye, Cruel World

Revenge Epilogue: Back in the Balloon

My fifth fic is a break from my other works, dealing with an event from the bast… Jessie's birth and the death of her mother. However, before the story is read, I feel I should explain one thing: The idea that Jessie grew up so poor with a high-ranking Team Rocket agent for a mother never really made sense to me. Therefore, I wrote this fic as my take on it. I may contradict the CD drama simply because I've never heard it, but I've tried to keep what facts I know of it intact. Well, that's all… enjoy!

The Baby Chapter One: The Arrival

The Baby Chapter Two: Decisions

The Baby Chapter Three: Fatal Interference

The Baby Chapter Four: The Mission

The Baby Chapter Five: The Execution

The Baby Chapter Six: Fate

The Baby: Epilogue

This is my sixth fanfic, a sequel to my popular "The Longest Nights" Seems Jessie and James aren't the only ones having long nights…..

The Longest Nights Part II

This fanfic began life as a serious idea, but when I realized that I could go nowhere with my original plot idea, I decided to turn it into this, my first and (so far) only comedy. Go ahead, have a laugh on me. ;-)

The Sound in the Darkness

A really short fic about a confession of love for James…. But from whom?

Confession of Love

A song parody of Elton John's "Rocket Man" made to fit James!

Rocket Man

A fanfic "duet" co written by my good online frined Mandy and I! Hopefully, this fic is just the beginning, the first in a series of fics in this style. We had a lot of fun with it, and hope you enjoy reading it! If you have any comments or feedback, please be sure to let her know too by emailing her here !

One Night in the Balloon


My newest fic is also my first Neoshippy (Butch and Cassidy Romance) fic! When Butch and Cassidy are caught again and another mission is blown, Cassidy's spirit is crushed. To Butch, this can only mean one thing - The need for revenge. But what will happen when it all goes wrong?

The Message Part One: Broken Spirit

The Message Part Two: Payback

The Message Part Three: Hold On, Hold On


When I wrote Criminal (my second fanfic), I had this scene rolling around in my mind, but for some reason, I could never find a way to make it fit into the story. However, thinking about it and the characters involved has led me to want to try writing it again. Therefore, I present to you... the lost scene from Criminal... James' final confrontation with Billy, Jessie's piggish one-time partner!

Criminal's Lost Scene


This fic is FINALLY up! ^-^ The third story in the Annie Masterson saga, "The Vendetta" is set 26 years after the end of "Revenge". Years after being relegated to a Team Rocket Asylum, Annie is being released by special order, and her grudge against James is very much alive and well. With her new partner, a Red Rocket named Severin Salyavin, Annie once again targets James for revenge, this time including Jessie and their son Michael of Angela's fic "Generation K". But Severin isn't all he seems to be, and soon the lines of who's really playing who begin to blur... Who will be left alive at the end? READ ON TO FIND OUT!

The Vendetta Part One: Prolouge/Enter Severin

The Vendetta Part Two: The Game Begins

The Vendetta Part Three: Plans for the Pawn

The Vendetta Part Four: Midnight Terror

The Vendetta Part Five: Endgame


Here's another short one! This one deals with Butch and James encountering each other in a bar late one evening. Naturally, the rival's conversation will turn to their relationships with their partners... and James will learn a secret about his rival teammates nobody else knows...

Boy's Night Out


Here's my latest fic... another short one! This one deals the possible life of an Officer Jenny... and the secret pain one knows all too well...
This fic is dedicated to the memory of John Alec Entwistle, who passed away Thursday, June 27, 2002 in Las Vegas, NV at the age of 57.

Officer Jenny 905


Well, My latest fic is up here finally. In this fourth installment of the Annie Masterson fics, Annie finds herself pregnant with Severin's baby. In hiding since her escape from The Resort, Annie knows that the Team will be after her sooner or later, but when they commit the ultimate sin and come for her baby, who will Annie be able to trust? This is the fic that has completely changed the rules of the tense relationship between Annie and Jessie and James. By the end, loyalties will have been tested, and a new alliance will be born...

This fic is dedicated to my wife and children... Thank you for all the joy you bring to my life!

Innocent Cry Prolouge/Part One: The Green Branch

Innocent Cry Part Two: I Think of Home

Innocent Cry Part Three: Demons of the Past

Innocent Cry Part Four: Jeopardy

Innocent Cry Part Five: In Distress

Innocent Cry Part Six: The Thieves of Life

Innocent Cry Part Seven: Revelation

Innocent Cry Part Eight: The Teacher and the Students

Innocent Cry Part Nine: Strange Bedfellows

Innocent Cry Part Ten: Project Conquest

Innocent Cry Part Eleven: Cherish

Innocent Cry Part Twelve: The Runaway Rockets/Epilouge


My weirdness continues unabated with my next fic! It's a short, satirical piece about Agent Billy Weston (From "Criminal") and his one true love. So what if she's a 1977 clunker station wagon?

'77 Heaven: A Love Story



In this personal account,  Annie's aunt Raven tells us of the trials she endured when she joined Team Rocket to secure her sister's freedom (which included

killing the mother of a certain famous Rocket) and of how her life was overtaken by the Team until it eventually pulled in and consumed all...

Blackbird:  The Journals of Raven Koldron


When Michael assumed control of Team Rocket at the end of Angela's Dare to Hope,  he had a new direction for the Team and new hope for the future.  With Giovanni gone and Domino with amnesia,  he thought it could happen.  But when a pair of evil assassins have other ideas,  they will go to any lengths to stop him... and to restore one of their leaders to her former position...

Returning to Power Part One:  The Woman Who Forgot

Returning to Power Part Two:  Virginia's Plan

Returning to Power Part Three:  Flight of Deception

Returning to Power Part Four: Ghosts of the Past & Demons of the Present

Returning to Power Part Five: Allies & Enemies


In this new talk show segment,  famed White Rocket Billy Weston replies to the vicious lies that are circulating about him.  Be sure to catch his...  uniqiue point of view on these events!

Red Rocket Crossfire


After a really rotten day at my summer job,  I sat down on the bus ride home and decided to vent on paper...  this was the result.  To all the working stiffs, Rockets or not...  enjoy.

The Top 10 Complaints From TR Members